Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ipsy - December 2014

This month's Ipsy theme is "Thinking of You". Ipsy is a subscription service that costs $10 a month. I pay for this subscription with my own money. Some months I absolutely love my bag, others I like only a couple pieces, and some I just don't like at all. This month I think it's probably more of a like. I think I will absolutely adore...
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Frosty VoxBox

I scared the crap out of my mail lady today, all in the sake of getting my Influenster box. So my dad has my car right now since his in the shop, so it looks like no one is at home. I was walking to the kitchen which passes the front door and saw her walking up the steps and opened it. She jumped of course. I kind of feel bad but at the...
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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Frosty VoxBox Preview

So I went onto Influenster.com today to check reviews on some various Rimmel products because I have 2 coupons for $1 off a Rimmel product and am not sure exactly what I want to get (I already have four foundations by them {one complimentary from Influenster}). Anyways I noticed that I had a new VoxBox, which made me extremely excited,...
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Monday, December 8, 2014

What is Influenster?

Influenster is a website where you can review an extremely wide variety of products. These products are things like makeup (my personal favorite), entertainment (TV shows, movies, and video game systems), sports, food products, etc. It’s amazing and I love that it’s all by actual people who aren’t sponsored to write nice things. On top of...
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Christmas Beauty Bag for 16-22 Year Olds

            It’s almost Thanksgiving & Black Friday. For the next couple days/weeks I’ll be doing gift ideas! I personally still think it's too early for Christmas stuff, but Black Friday is almost here and we are all looking for good sales. For the next 3 weeks I’ll be focusing on beauty & the women in your lives. Each of these weeks will have a similar concept but a different execution....
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

My To-Go Cosmetics Bag/Mid-Month Favorites: So with my non-job & the fact that I’ve been sick since lately, I haven’t really had the time or money to try a whole lot of new products. However, I have been using what I consider to be the staples in my collection for the past couple months a lot. I recently spent the night at a friend’s where we went to a couple of my alumnus school’s hockey games (two days before I came...
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Ipsy November 2014

It’s that time of the month again, IPSY TIME! This is honestly what I look forward to each month. Is that sad? Anyways, my Ipsy bag came the day I was heading to visit some old college friends and go to my alumnus school’s hockey games. So I didn’t really get a chance to look at what I got before today. Overall, it’s mixed feelings, since I now know what other options I could have gotten. Without further ado, though, here’s this...
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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Bad Day Turned Good! - Influenster #VSSportBra VoxBox

            Lately the weather in Michigan has been even more crazy than Normal. Yesterday for example we had a huge thunderstorm at 5:30am and by 12:00pm it was bright and sunny but by 4:00pm it was extremely cloudy out. Today’s just been a hot and humid day, but at about 9:00am it was torrential downpouring....
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Monday, August 18, 2014

            So today I received an awesome package in the mail… My P&G Gift Basket, aka the products I won from Influenster.com because I completed the tasks for the P&G part of my VoxBox. ...
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Friday, August 15, 2014

Mid-Month Favorites - August

         Every month I do a mid-month favorite instead of an end of the month favorites. These are products that I have loved since July 15th to now. These products are ones that I use fairly regularly or am absolutely in love with but don't have the opportunity to use them as much as I'd like but wanted to...
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Pampered Face Routine

Everyone wants to feel pampered, especially women. Once every week or two I like to do a full pampering routine for my face. It's when I use expensive products that aren't from the drugstore that I've either bought or received in a subscription service that I've subscribed to. I will post a drugstore version of this that I do weekly that...
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Friday, August 1, 2014

Fab or Fail Friday! - Lip Balms

            Lip balms are the perfect in between product of lipstick and lip gloss. They are often on the sheer side but tend to have a semi-glossy finish. For quite awhile there were no matte lip balms, especially in the drugstore but brands are quickly beginning to change this like Revlon...
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Sunday, July 27, 2014

My Top 10 Sinful Colors Nail Polishes

            Sinful Colors Professionals nail polish is a cheaper drugstore nail polish. It has outstanding color choices and has decent staying power. Nail polishes normally cost $1.99 at almost any drugstore but some places occasionally have a sale on them for $0.99. I think that’s an amazing deal because...
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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Should You Splurge?

Should You Splurge? 7 High-end Items that May or May Not be Worth the Hype. So sometimes we all want to feel a little extra special, so we buy those products that might cost a little too much and might be a little bit out of our normal price range. Here are the six splurge items in my beauty collection that I bought with my own money,...
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Products I Won't Repurchase

            So for today’s post I figured I would do something along the lines of “Products I Regret Buying”. Except, I don’t really regret buying these products so much as I won’t repurchase them. Most of the products I’m going to show are one’s from brands that I absolutely love but didn’t care for a certain product or two.            ...
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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lipstick Loves

            So today’s piece is designated a little more towards people with my complexion. I apologize to any readers that might have a different skin tone or undertone then mine. However, just because I’m saying this is towards people with similar skin tones & undertones to me, it doesn’t mean that these...
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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Alternative uses for those makeup bags!

            So I’m going through this massive organization faze (I hate cleaning and organizing!) right now and came across my stack of Ipsy* makeup bags. Since moving home I have reorganized my makeup into actual trays and drawers, so I had emptied all of my makeup bags that were of no use. So I knew instantly...
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Friday, July 18, 2014

Affordable Organization

            So recently I’ve been doing some organizing, since I’ve moved back home. This includes my makeup and other beauty products. I thought hmm I wonder if others find it hard to organize their beauty products with limited space and a small budget. So if you’re like me and have very limited space and limited money, here are a few useful things that might help you get organized. ...
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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ipsy Unboxing/Review

            So exciting news my Ipsy bag came in today! I look forward to this package every month. So for those who don’t know what Ipsy is, it’s a beauty subscription service that costs $10 a month. Each month you get a pink bubble-envelope in the mail (normally around the 10th-20th) and inside is your Ipsy...
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Mid-Month Favorites

            So if you follow any beauty bloggers, either on an a written blog like mine or a YouTube vlogger than you're probably familiar with monthly favorites. A lot of beauty gurus do an end of the month favorites video. However, I've decided to do things a little differently. Around the 15th or so of each month I'm going to put out a post that describes some of my favorite products and...
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Friday, July 11, 2014

ULTA's Get Ready for the Party Color Collection Review

            I recently had a little shopping trip to ULTA's  and got the ULTA Get Ready for the Party Color Collection. Basically it's a collection of beauty products that are sold at ULTA that they put together in a set with a similar theme. These sets tend to run cheaper then if you were to buy each product individually. Often these type of sets include trial, deluxe, and/or full sized...
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Sunday, June 29, 2014

StrangeBeautiful's Colorbloc Nail Polish Review

            So if you read my post from yesterday of my Glossybox unboxing you'll know I recieved a nail polish product by StrangeBeautiful. The product is said to cost $18 for the two nail polishes and is a Glossybox exclusive. I thought I'd try it out and give it a review as well as test designs for the fourth of July. So without further ado the review...
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Glossybox "Unboxing"

            Today I received my Glossybox in the mail. For those of you that don't know Glossybox is a monthly subscription box that includes different skincare, hair care, makeup, and perfume samples. These products are normally deluxe-sized to full size. It costs $21 a month for one box that includes normally around five products. I do pay this from my own pocket, this is not a complimentary...
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Sunday, June 22, 2014

CoverGirl Bombshell Mascara Review

            I'm a mascara junkie, if there's one product that I refuse to leave the house without it's mascara. So recently influenster.com sent me CoverGirl's Bombshell Curvaceous by LashBlast Mascara. Aka, I did not pay for this mascara but at the same time I'm not being paid to write this review. I hadn't heard that they had come out with a new version of the Bombshell mascara so I was extremely...
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Sunday, June 15, 2014

About Me: Who I Am

Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog. (My cousin Laura & I) ...
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