Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ipsy - December 2014

This month's Ipsy theme is "Thinking of You". Ipsy is a subscription service that costs $10 a month. I pay for this subscription with my own money. Some months I absolutely love my bag, others I like only a couple pieces, and some I just don't like at all. This month I think it's probably more of a like. I think I will absolutely adore...
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Frosty VoxBox

I scared the crap out of my mail lady today, all in the sake of getting my Influenster box. So my dad has my car right now since his in the shop, so it looks like no one is at home. I was walking to the kitchen which passes the front door and saw her walking up the steps and opened it. She jumped of course. I kind of feel bad but at the...
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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Frosty VoxBox Preview

So I went onto Influenster.com today to check reviews on some various Rimmel products because I have 2 coupons for $1 off a Rimmel product and am not sure exactly what I want to get (I already have four foundations by them {one complimentary from Influenster}). Anyways I noticed that I had a new VoxBox, which made me extremely excited,...
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Monday, December 8, 2014

What is Influenster?

Influenster is a website where you can review an extremely wide variety of products. These products are things like makeup (my personal favorite), entertainment (TV shows, movies, and video game systems), sports, food products, etc. It’s amazing and I love that it’s all by actual people who aren’t sponsored to write nice things. On top of...
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